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  • Cyest Global

Case Study: Discovering the science behind Japanese logistics

Traditionally a country with scarce natural and agricultural resources and with a consumer population of ever-increasing demand on quality of life in modern days, Japan has inevitably come to develop leading-edge technologies that enable fresh and safe deliveries as well as improve the shelf life of agricultural produce like fruits and vegetables.

The Client

Under a project commissioned by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), a delegation of 11 Indian companies in the logistics industry were hosted to a visit to Japan. Seven Japanese companies were identified to showcase their technologies and to explore potential collaboration opportunities with their Indian counterparts.

The Project

Over a course of five days, five warehouse visits and factory tours were organized to give the Indian delegation a first-hand experience on the technologies that are core to the cold-chain logistics in Japan.

Meetings were also arranged to connect Indian business owners from the delegation directly with the key management at four major players in the logistics industry in Japan over company visits and networking sessions at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

The Expert

Cyest engaged a group of former executives at major Japanese logistics and manufacturing companies to propose the delegation field trip to current management and to help facilitate business discussion during the visits.

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